Photoshop Tutorials to Illuminate Your Typography

Friday 13 January 2012

1.  Dramatic Text on Fire

This tutorial shows you how to create a typography that looks as though each letter is lit up like a match.  The text remains very readable, making this a great option for ads and websites.

2.  Hell Text Effect

Turn your text into a flaming pit with this tutorial.  Great for bold statements and works best with short, dramatic words.

3.  Golden Flame

This ethereal effect turns text into delicate, smoking flames.  This less aggressive use of fire is especially wonderful incorporated into the design.

4.  Text on Wildfire

This tutorial teaches you how to light your text up as if each letter had been doused in kerosene and set alight.  Another very readable effect, it’s great for attention-grabbing promotional material.

5.  Smokey Typography

Not exactly a fire-based typography, the smoky effects here look fantastic when paired with fire imagery elsewhere in the design.

6. Light Burst

Engulf your text in an explosion of light and colour. This effect is perfect for promotional material and headings.

7. Glowing Layers

This tutorial creates a layered glowing effect with your text. A stunning effect which works well using any length words but requires heavy use of computer memory.

8. Striking Text

In this tutorial you will create text with glows and blends. This is used a lot with animation on television and works really well for numbers or short words.

9. Scorching Text

This tutorial creates a very realistic scorching fire effect which can be applied to any shapes or images.

10. Burning Text

Create a burning and singeing text effect which is very readable and great for creating a dramatic effect.


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